World Lab is the lab division of Tokushinkai Group, the largest dental group in Japan. We pride ourselves in providing high-quality services at reasonable prices for clients all around the world.


Annual Cases

Tokushinkai Group


Tokushinkai Group

In Business

We are at your service.

We handle all dental designs
promptly and carefully.

World Lab CAD Design Outsourcing (WLDO) will take care of your dental designs to help facilitate your manufacturing process. Simply send us the data and we will handle the design work.

A free trial is available to first-time clients to ensure satisfaction.

Try for free

Our Policy

World Lab ensures optimal service to our clients through three policies: Speed, Quality, and Pride.
Our goal is to be an inspiration to others in the dental industry.


We deliver our designs in a timely manner.


We provide quality services at a reasonable price.


We take pride in designs that have earned the trust of our clients.

Benefits of Design Outsourcing

Resolve Labor Shortages
Use Time Efficiently
Increase Productivity

Our Services

We offer quality CAD-based crown and bridge design at reasonable prices.
We believe that you will find that our dedication is expressed through our designs. Please take a look.

Click to rotate and examine the displayed samples. The full-screen view is also available.

Anterior Teeth

3shape exocad

Posterior Teeth

3shape exocad

Implant Bridge

3shape exocad

Open Tray


Anchor Teeth

3shape exocad

Base Plate


Base Plate


Base Plate


Getting Started

Contact Form

Why Choose Us?


World Lab is the lab division of Tokushinkai Group, the largest dental group in Japan. With an established reputation for quality service, you can look to our design services with confidence.


While World Lab has various branch locations around the world, the World Lab Design Outsourcing Center is based in Japan. With the time difference working in your favor, design orders are designed promptly and turned around overnight within 24 hours from the last order time (3:30 PM PST).


Your satisfaction is our top priority. Therefore, our goal is to always provide the best quality designs at a reasonable price point.

Reliable Quality

Our Japan-based design team highly values the satisfaction and appreciation of our clients, and handles your digital designs with great precision and care. With a strongly established reputation for our services, you can be confident in the quality of our work.

Tokushinkai Group

Established 42 years ago in 1981, Tokushinkai Group operates over 50 locations around the world, employing approximately 1,400 staff members. Tokushinkai Group is currently one of the largest dental groups in Japan, treating over 700,000 patients per year.


WORLD LAB is the dental laboratory division of Tokushinkai Group, primarily working in the manufacturing of high-quality dental protheses across Japan and around the world.

Data Transfer

Step. 1 :You

Please send us the scan data via WeTransfer to [] and please proceed with the payment within 24 hours to the payment link we sent to you through e-mail.

Step. 2 :WLDO

WLDO will do the design work upon downloading the data from WeTransfer.

Step. 3 :WLDO

After completion of the design, and confirming the payment, the design data will be sent back to you through WeTransfer.

Step. 4 :You

Please download the completed design data from WeTransfer.


How does billing work?

We will send the invoice email after we receive the orders. Payment can be done via online credit card payment to our designated link before we send the design back to you.

What payment methods are available?

Online credit card payment through a multi-currency payment gateway run by reliable third-party providers is available.

When will the design be ready?

We will send the design data within 24 Hours after the payment is confirmed. The design order sent on Friday will only be available on Monday.

Where is World Lab located?

There are World Lab branches located around the world. World Lab CAD Design Outsourcing is based in Japan.